Rolling Stones’ Rice Krispies Jingle

On last night’s Mad Men, a reference was made to the Rolling Stones having made a commercial for Rice Krispies in England. Well, the crack research team here at Postcards of the Hanging tracked down the ad, which only aired in England in 1964, and we’ve got it here for your viewing pleasure. The Stones don’t actually appear in the spot, but they do perform the ad’s jingle which was specially co-written by Stones guitarist Brian Jones and the J. Walter Thompson ad agency. It’s probably the hippest breakfast cereal you’ll see all day.

Judas Priest, “You’ve Got Another Thing Comin” (Bossa Nova Version)

Folks, I’m not going to lie to you, the first generation of metalheads are getting older and probably can’t rock as hard as they used to. But that doesn’t mean they have to give up the songs they know and love because self proclaimed “Musical Genius” Andy Rehfeldt has found a way to let older fans keep rocking; albeit in a more smooth manner. Rehfeldt’s whipped up this smooth, loungey bossa nova remix of Judas Priest’s classic anthem “You Got Another Thing Comin.” Is this take on the heavy metal masterpiece sacrilegious? Yes, but it’s also highly amusing.

The Bad Piper, “We Will Rock You”

As we all know, bagpipes are the most beautiful and romantic musical instrument in the world. But, can bagpipes do hard rock? The Australian bagpiper known simply as the Bad Piper seems to think so. In fact, here he is performing the Queen classic “We Will Rock You” during the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The crowd eventually gets in to the performance, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too.

Conor Knighton, “99 Restaurants, I Been to Every One”

For the last couple of years, L. A. Weekly (and future L. A. Times) food critic Jonathan Gold has released a list of what he considers to be the “99 Essential L. A. Restaurants.” Like many Angelenos, CBS Sunday Morning contributor Conor Knighton is a devotee of the only Pulitzer Prize winning food critic and decided to dine at every restaurant on Gold’s list. About a year and 99 meals later, Knighton has completed his culinary expedition and has released a Jay-Z inspired tribute to the 99 Essentials. This fusion of Jay-Z and J. Gold features clever shout outs to all of L. A.’s best eats. Check out the track, and then get eating.

David Bowie Movies

Here’s a shocking fact for you: David Bowie, the Thin White Duke himself, turned 65 this year. In tribute to the anniversary of Ziggy Stardust’s birth, Empire Magazine asked its readers to imagine what certain movies would look like if they starred David Bowie. Empire‘s readers acted quickly and created several wonderful photoshopped movie posters including this Labyrinth inspired poster seen here. Some of the other great creations include such imagined films as the graphic novel adaptation Frank Miller’s Suffragette City, Brian De Palma’s classic glam crime film Starface, and Pixar’s animated masterpiece Bow-E.

Check all of the Bowie inspired titles over at the Empire forums.

“California Girls”

In 1965, Brian Wilson and Mike Love released the results of their Study of Young North American Women. The resulting essay, released under the title “California Girls,” concluded that after studying having traveled “all around this great big world,” and having “seen all kinds of girls” Misters Wilson and Love determined that they wished that all girls could be California girls.

Now, nearly fifty-five years after the release of this landmark survey, the fine people at “I Love Charts” have released a visual representation of “California Girls.”

Dj Schmolli “In The Mood For Some Killing”

Today we feature a track from Vienna’s DJ Schmolli is one of the early pioneers of the mash-up game. In April 2011, DJ Schmolli released this blend of Benny Goodman’s upbeat big band classic “In The Mood” and Rage Against the Machine’s protest rap “Killing In The Name Of.” The result is both hilarious and a little bit musically sacrilegious.

If you want to download the full “In The Mood For Some Killing” mash-up, head over to DJ Schmolli’s website.

Movies Cover Lionel Richie

Today we bring you, courtesy of Vimeo user ant1mat3rie, a clever mash-up of various film clips arranged so that the dialogue forms the lyrics to Lionel Ritchie’s creeper R&B hit “Hello.” It’s a fun clip, but really that’s not what I want to talk to you about.

I want to talk to you about censorship. If you’ve been on the internet today, you’ve probably heard about SOPA and PIPA, two bills currently working their ways through the United States Congress that are allegedly designed to curb internet piracy. On the surface, that all seems well and good, but if these two bills pass it could lead to the censorship of the internet. Websites could be fined or even forced to shut for posting or even providing links to “copyrighted content.”

Now how does it effect you? Well, did you watch the goofy “Hello” clip yet? Did you enjoy seeing all those copyrighted film clips combining to form that copyrighted pop hit? Well, if SOPA and PIPA were to pass not only would that magically stupid clip be illegal, but vimeo; this blog and would all have performed illegal acts by featuring that video.

In conclusion, if you enjoy all the strange, goofy, creative, entertaining and magnificent things I post on this blog, it is your duty to voice your opposition to SOPA and PIPA. So, join Google, Wikipedia, Reddit, myself and hundreds of other websites in protesting these careless bills. Go to Google now to join the fight against internet censorship.

Barack Obama “sings” “Born This Way”

Those of you with a long term memory of internet ephemera may recall a clip that went viral a few years back featuring Barack Obama speeches remixed so that it sounded like he was covering Rick Astley. Now, just in time for the 2012 election, the mighty internet has struck again with another remix of the president’s speeches. This time around President Obama’s singing a little bit of Lady Gaga’s 2011 hit “Born This Way.” Could this be a subtle reflection of the president’s “evolving” position on gay marriage? Only time will tell.

Metalachi, “Sweet Child O’ Mine”

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to Metalachi; a mariachi band whose repertoire consists entirely of hard rock and heavy metal songs. The six piece band dresses like their had rock heroes, including a trumpeter from the KISS Army, and like any good hard rock band; Metalachi has a complicated back story that you can read about on their website. Here they are performing the Guns N’ Roses classic “Sweet Child O’ Mine” with a killer violin solo. If you live in the L. A. area and you like what you hear in this video, you’ll be pleased to know that Metalachi perform regular monthly gigs in North Hollywood and Long Beach. For more info visit