Inappropriate Golden Books

Josh Cooley is a story artist at Pixar. In his spare time, Cooley likes to make rather silly works of art including a series of prints inspired by the classic children’s book publisher Golden Books. The twist with these is that the stories depicted in these prints are from R-rated films like The Big Lebowski (seen at right), The Terminator and The Godfather. Cooley has put out a book of these prints called Movies R Fun which you can purchase from his website. The blog Our Kitchen Sink has a gallery of a few of these prints and the prints can be found scattered around Cooley’s official blog.

Surprised Vader

By now you’ve probably seen the adorable “Surprised Kitty” video that was popular around the web a few months back. Well, there’s a new video out which replaces the kitten with a not-quite-as-cute pop culture icon.

MC Frontalot “Spoiler Alert”

Have you ever had the ending to something spoiled for you? Well, San Francisco nerdcore rapper MC Frontalot knows how you feel. The self-proclaimed 579th greatest rapper in the world drops dozens of plot twists in his new single “Spoiler Alert.” Frontalot doesn’t just reveal the ending to films like The Sixth Sense and Fight Club, he also spoils the ending of the French Revolution and the 1980s. The song’s pretty fun as long as you know the endings beforehand and the video is wonderfully bizarre.

You Can Own The Batmobile

Gizmodo is reporting that DC Comics has officially licensed a replica of the Batmobile from the classic 1960s Batman TV show. This isn’t a model, this is a fully functional, full sized drivable street ready Batmobile. For the low price of $150,000, Mark Racop and his Fiberglass Freaks replicas company will recreate the Batmobile for you. Features on this two seater vehicle include a brand new GM 350 crate engine, a red beacon light, a detect-a-scope radar screen that glows green and a working rocket exhaust flamethrower! Additionally, the cabin features non-functioning buttons that on the show sprung various bat-gadgets.

Record Heat in Los Angeles

For those of you who haven’t heard, L. A.’s currently suffering an unseasonable heat wave. Yesterday was the hottest day in the city’s history as temperatures reached 113 degrees. So, because even blogging has become a bit tiring during this heat wave, here’s music from Cole Porter as the 2002 West End cast of Kiss Me Kate work up a sweat as they perform “Too Darn Hot.”

Order In Chaos

Designers Igor Barbashin and Daria Volokhova have created a clock called “Order In Chaos” that they describe as “…a vivid illustration of the self paradigm to overcome the anarchy in you and connect with the universe.” The concept of the clock is pretty clever. Most of the time, the clock’s twelve numbers are fragmented into pieces. However, as the clock goes over the course of an hour, the new hour’s number begins to take shape. For example, in the picture at right, the time is 12:10. Confused? Well, don’t worry because the designers have put an animated demo of the clock on their website.

Tea Party Comics

Is the comics page out of step with mainstream values? According to one cartoonist, yes. Cartoonist Ward Sutton (under the alias Joe Smith) has created a series of comic parodies spoofing the slogans and Palinisms of the Tea Party. These strips include highlights like the cast of The Boondocks reminiscing about seeing Glen Beck speak at the Lincoln Memorial, Cathy not understanding what it means to be a feminist and a perfect recreation of the first Peanuts strip.

Check out the full gallery at

The Waldo Ultimatum

The comedy troupe The Imponderables have created a clever parody trailer for a Bourne Ultimatum inspired take on Where’s Waldo. The film tells the story of a man who’s lost his identity but sports a distinctive red and white striped shirt.

Mr. Colbert Goes To Washington

Stephen Colbert testified in front of Congress today as a witness to the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on immigration. Colbert recently participated in the United Farm Worker’s “Take Our Jobs” campaign as one of only 16 American citizens to take part. Colbert appeared in character and threw in a few jokes, some satirical barbs and concluded with a few good serious points. Congress was receptive of Colbert’s message, especially Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) who was spotted playing with her phone. After giving testimony, Colbert took questions including answering Congresswoman Judy Chu’s (D-CA) question about why he’s advocating for migrant workers, which he answered out of character. We have video of his testimony and answer to Chu’s  question below. C-Span has the full two hour Subcommittee meeting here.

Adventures in Mixology: The Tom Collins

Many drinks are named after people. So.,who was Tom Collins? Well, nobody actually. Originally there was the John Collins cocktail named after a waiter at Limmer’s Old House on London’s Hanover Square. That drink was made with lemon, sugar, soda water and Holland gin. Eventually, someone decided to swap the Holland gin for Old Tom gin and the name was switched in tribute to the new brand. This drink dates back to at least 1877 when it was written down in the book Bon Vivant’s Companion by Jerry Thomas, the father of American mixology.

The Tom Collins

  • 2 ounces Gin
  • 1 teaspoon Superfine Sugar
  • 1/2 ounce Lemon Juice
  • Club Soda

Combine the gin, sugar and lemon juice in a tall Collins glass filled about 3/4 full with ice. Stir, then top with club soda. Garnish with a lemon and an optional cherry.